Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Avocado Taco Boats

I've only got one word... YUM-O! You have to check out these de-lish tacos:


Eggplant Parmesean

OK, so this recipe is DELISH! We try to do meatless Monday at our house and this is a go to recipe for us.

Here's the link for the homemade marinara sauce that I use - super yummy and easy to make:


1 cup Almond Flour, about 4 ounces (side note - you can buy this by the pound at Sprouts and it's cheaper than the pre-packaged bags at the grocery store)
1 cup Grated Parmesan Cheese, 4 ounces
1 tsp Garlic Powder
1 tsp Italian Seasoning
Salt, to taste
2-3 eggs
12 1/4-inch slices eggplant
Olive Oil Spray
Salt and pepper, to taste
1/2 cups of marinara sauce (see link above for homemade recipe)
4 ounces mozzarella cheese, shredded, 1 cup
2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese


Breading mixture:

1 cup Almond Flour (if you have a nut allergy, you can also use crushed up pork grinds)
1 cup Grated Parmesan Cheese, 4 ounces
1 tsp Garlic Powder
1 tsp Italian Seasoning
Salt, to taste
2-3 eggs

Combine all the dry ingredients in a pie pan. Break 2 of the eggs into another pie pan and beat well with a fork. Start with 2 eggs and add the third one later if needed.

12 1/4-inch slices eggplant
Olive Oil Spray
Salt and pepper, to taste
1/2 cups of marinara sauce
4 ounces mozzarella cheese, shredded, 1 cup
2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese

Cut the eggplant into twelve 1/4-inch slices and you'll use 2 slice per serving. In a large skillet over medium heat spray Olive Oil Spray. Dip each eggplant in egg to coat, then lightly coat them with Parmesan-almond mixture. Fry the eggplant in hot oil until browned. (NOTE - you can also oven fry if you prefer) Place foil on a baking sheet and lightly cover with Olive Oil Cooking Spray then arrange the eggplant 1 inch apart; season lightly with salt and pepper.

Top each piece of the fried eggplant with 1 tablespoon of marinara sauce and 1/6 of the mozzarella. Sprinkle each with 1 teaspoon Parmesan cheese. Bake at 350ยบ about 20 minutes until eggplant is heated and soft through out and the cheese is melted and bubbly.

Now, we like to serve this over a bed of spaghetti squash (which we now use in place of all pasta now), a side salad, and a piece of Ezekiel garlic toast. Enjoy!

Philly Cheesesteak Stuffed Peppers

You must try these stuffed peppers - they are AMAZING!

The only thing I did differently was boil the peppers before stuffing them to make them softer and not as crunchy. And you should know that somehow, they are even better as leftovers! You can serve this with some cauliflower "rice" or corn or whatever you want. Enjoy!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Holiday Bucket List

So, my friend Erin (fellow b/g twin mom life, love and lagniappe) posted this awesome holiday bucket list last year for her almost 2 year olds. After reading it, I could NOT WAIT for this year so I could steal her idea ;) I LOVE this time of year and wish it lasted longer than a month :( So because I'm tired and a little lazy, I literally copied and pasted the bucket list from the Ortuzars!

Holiday Bucket List

This year since the bambinos are two, I wanted to try and do as many holiday / winter things as we could this Christmas season. I want to start creating some family traditions and it is SO fun to see their little faces get all excited about something new and magical. I found a Winter Bucket List on pinterest that I thought could be a start for some fun and exciting things to do with the kids. I've added a few of my own ideas on it. Here are some things that we are going to try to get to before Christmas gets here (which is fast approaching, by the way).

1. Elf on the Shelf. I LOVE this tradition. If you don't know this story, you can check it out here. Now, I'm not sure if the kiddos will really get into it this year, but we'll see. 
2. Bake and decorate Christmas cookies
3. Go to see Santa.
4. Decorate the Christmas tree as a family.
5. Go ice skating
6. Make / decorate a Gingerbread house
7. Give a gift / toy to a child in need.
8. Go for a carriage ride.
9. See the Nutcracker
10. Make fireplace s'mores.
11. Watch Christmas movies
12. Write a letter to Santa
13. Make Reindeer Food
14. Leave cookies and milk out for Santa.
15. Go look at Christmas lights.
16. Drink hot chocolate with marshmallows
17. Go to a Christmas program / play
18. Get new Christmas jahmmies
19. Go see a live Nativity
20. Read the story of Jesus' birth from the Bible.

I'll be posting some pictures and stories of our adventures of our Bucket List!
Much Love,

Monday, September 17, 2012

Well hello there 120's, it's been a while!

That's right folks... I am officially in the 120's again (129, but still)! It's been over 5 years, maybe even longer since I have been able to honestly say that! Super pumped about it! While I am proud of myself for reaching this "goal" (I use this term lightly as I am not really concerned with the number on the scale as I am with the reflection in the mirror), I still feel like I have a ways to go. I don't think I have an unhealthy body image or unrealistic expectations, but there is definitely a certain way that I hope to look (flatter stomach, thinner legs, less cellulite, blah blah blah, same as every woman in America, right?!) Here is a side by side comparison from when I started Ripped in 30 two weeks ago, and today (just completed week 2).


It's hard to really see a difference, but when you compare it to where I started back in June, you can definitely see the changes.
(still shudder when I look at these - yuck!)

I love seeing my body change and feeling it get stronger and knowing that I am breaking through barriers and setting personal bests, it's very empowering! I wasn't sure if I would really be able to do this whole half marathon thing, but low and behold I ran 6.2 miles the other day (granted it was on a treadmill b/c it was raining), but I couldn't believe it when I moved the towel and saw that I had ran 1.2 miles more than what I had set out to do! (on a side note, in case you were wondering, I always put a towel over the treadmill tracker b/c seeing the time and distance always psychs me out) And the really incredible part was that I could have kept going! I know, right! But alas, I had been running for 68 minutes and needed to go pick up my babies, or believe me I would have kept going just to see how far my legs would take me! I may be slow as all get out, but at least I am running the.whole.time! I am thinking about running a 10K before I take on the half - we'll see. In the meantime, my goal is to work up to 10-11 miles before the half (never knew this, but apparently you don't actually run a bunch of half marathons to train for the half), I've been told 10-11 miles is all you need to work up to, and on the day of the race, your adrenaline and body will carry you the rest of the way to the finish - I sure hope so!

Anyways, I attribute good music on my run mix to being able to "just keep running", but am always looking for more songs to add to the playlist and would love to know what your favorite running/workout songs are? What's on your playlist?

Keep Calm and Run On :)

Monday, September 10, 2012

ABCs at the Miksovskys

So, since Max and Emma have been out of MDO for nearly 6 weeks, things started to get a little boring around here. It's been too hot to go outside (for longer than 20 min), not to mention the mosquitos, and I'm not crazy enough to take them with me by myself to places like the zoo, or arboretum, ect - I did mention that they are almost 2 right?! Heck, we don't even go out to eat anymore b/c it's become such a beat down! Please tell me we are not the only ones dealing with this wonderful independant, attention span of 2 seconds, phase of life x 2!

Anywho, through the joy of Pinterest and numerous blogs and website out there, I took it upon myself to do a little toddler school at home. At first, we started off with colors, and nature walks, and talking about Jesus and God and all the things God made. Then I decided to start doing a letter a week, with coordinating books and crafts - why not right?! So about 4 weeks ago, we started with A, then B, and C, and you get the picture. Here's some of what we've done:

Fun times with balloons
 Painting crabs
 D is for dog
Walk to the park to feed the ducks
 Making ducks (we ended up gluing on the feathers that we collected on our walk)
 Drum Jam Session
And here are some of the books we read...
We also threw in a couple Bubble Guppie episodes that cooresponded to the letter of the week (they freakin love that show!)
we watched:
Gup Gup and Away (Airplanes)
Build me a Building
Have a Cow
Happy Clam Day
The Spring Chicken is Coming
The Cowgirl Parade
Can you Dig It?
Ducks in a Row
We Totally Rock (Drums)
We also learned the Baby Bumblebee song, the chicken dance, marched around the house while singing the ants go marching, watched funny dog, cat, and baby videos on you tube, predended to be dinosaurs, cats, dogs and ducks and looked for airplanes and clouds in the sky, and had a dance party :) We also attempted to learn the signs for the letters, but a was pretty much the only one they could do. They have had a lot of fun going to the library every week, coloring and playing "school" at home. We are on E this week (last week we left for Wimberley on Thursday and they started real school, so we didn't get around to doing anything). Gotta love Pinterest and amazing websites with great ideas, cause if it was up to me to come up with all this stuff, it probably wouldn't happen!