Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Yay! Another GREAT report!

I will be 17 weeks tomorrow! We had our dr. appt today and we had another glowing report! The babies are doing great - although, we had a different sono tech today and she wasn't very nice - she didn't give me any pictures and I didn't even get to see the babies b/c the curtain was covering the tv :( Hopefully we won't have that lady again. I have gained about 7 pounds so far! I was beginning to think I was never going to gain any weight!

We got a great deal on the carseats we wanted, so we went ahead and bought them this weekend, along with the bases and snap n go stroller! The nursery is filling up fast! Lucy was a little freaked out by all of it - but she gave it the good 'ol sniff test and seems to be warming up to it all :) I attached pics below. I think we have decided to just get bedding made since we can't seem to find anything we like (and by we I mean me)! 

We had a great Memorial Weekend until... we came home about 8:30 last night to a swealtering 90 degree house and a broken ac :( We ended up packing everything up and heading to the hotel for the night. Jason came home at 12:30 today to meet the repair man, and $2400 and 5 hours later... we finally have air again! Why does the ac always go out on the hottest day of the year? At least we didn't have to replace it - so I guess that's good. 

On a much brighter note... tomorrow is the last full day of school! Woo Hoo! And then... we leave for Grand Cayman a week from tomorrow - and I can't wait! 

matching carseats - Graco Snugride 32 in lemongrass


  1. I think I"ve had that sono lady before...and yeah, not the friendliest. I was a brat and ASKED for pictures though, so remember that for next time. Yay for healthy babies that will look so teeny tiny in those carseats the day they come home! Months later when they fill them out, you'll wonder how they were ever that teeny.

  2. Boo for mean sono techs! I never got to have tons of sonograms with either of the boys, but surely enjoyed all of the ones I did get to have. Unfortunately, I have no pics of Hudson's, but do have a video. I have a few of Landon, but only 3 I think. Great to hear everything is looking great for you and those babies and can't wait for your next update! Love the carseats you picked out too, very cute!

  3. Love the carseats (Of course! we have the same ones!) What a meanie for not giving you pictures of your precious babies. But at least you know they are healthy. :)
    We got our bedding made, too, because I could not find anything that I liked.
