Thursday, April 19, 2012

What I want my daughter to know about mean girls...

My tiny human, my gorgeous darling, my little one – you are a girl. You are our first girl and I will never stop celebrating it. You are a gorgeous, dimpled, delicious, just-one-year-old baby girl. And my darling, there’s some stuff that comes with being a girl that I want to tell you about.
Most of it’s wonderful. We’ll have hours over late night coffee dates to talk about that. I’m already planning all the desserts I want to learn to make so we can linger over our plates and that kind of delicious conversation.
But sweetheart, there’s some other stuff that comes with girlhood too. Some stuff I’d rather you heard first from me. It’s stuff that isn’t as scary if we say it out loud and don’t let it sneak up on us.
My love, there will always be girls who are mean.

And you won’t outgrow it. There will always be mean girls. One day you’ll be thirty seven and reading the long line of stories that mean girls have left in their wake.
But daughter, that doesn’t mean we hide our hearts. That doesn’t mean we find a tower and Rapunzel ourselves away from the world.
No darling, it means that we learn to be braver than the mean girls. We out-love them. That is the secret weapon. To pour on the unexpected love. To meet them with open arms and mind, knowing that meanness is what bleeds from scars at their most raw.
Meanness is a symptom, not a condition.
And when they want to hurt you with their words, I will teach you how to hold up the shield of faith and firm belief that Jesus has declared you good and beloved. That you are precious and ransomed – His life for yours. There is nothing insignificant about you.
I will wrap my words, His promises and both our lives around you.

You were made to have friends, sweetheart. You were not made to be alone. This is a Jesus body we belong to and some days you’ll feel like the heart and soul and other days like just a bit of dried skin on the elbow and that’s OK.
It’s never a bad thing to be reminded that the whole world does not revolve around you.
But on the days when you feel like an outsider, on the days when your best friend stops talking to you, on the days when everyone gets invited to the sleepover and you don’t, on the days when you wonder if you fit in –
on those days, Emma, I will remind you that love never quits.
Love always believes the best
And that sometimes the benefit of the doubt is the most precious gift we can give anyone.

I will treat your bruised heart with chocolate brownies, a tall glass of cold milk and The Princess Bride – yes, I’m certain it will still be my favorite movie even a decade from now.
And then I will send you back out into the fray, my love.
I will always send you back because friendship is worth fighting for. Women need one another. And if we give up at girlhood, what chance do we have during the minivan suv driving years?
Friendship is all or nothing Emma.

6 months ago you stood up and walked for the first time. Since then you’ve fallen often. But you set determined hands to the floor, tilt forward, push back up again and take the next step.
Never stop getting back up again, darling.

It’s the only way to keep moving forward to all that life waiting for you.

*Stolen Borrowed from

Monday, April 16, 2012

Easter 2012

I know I need to write another post detailing the happenings from the last 2+ months, but if I don't just start this whole thing up again I'm just going to keep getting further behind, so... here we go!

I was super excited about the babies and Easter this year because this is really the first holiday that they have been old enough to really participate in! We practiced picking up the eggs and putting them in baskets and they both really seemed to have a blast hunting eggs :)

Of course, one of my fav parts... getting to buy a super cute outfit for my little girl ;) (and Max too) Isn't she just so stinkin cute?! Don't you just love those ruffle butts?!

We went to the church that they go to for MDO on Saturday for their very first Easter egg hunt. They were so funny! They did great until they discovered that there were goodies inside the eggs, then they just wanted to sit down and eat! On a side note, I can understand goldfish and cheerios in the eggs, but fruit loops? for one years olds? come on... maybe it's just me, but I am trying to keep my babes away from sugar for as long as I possibly can - I figure, if they don't ever have it, then they don't know it's there, and thus won't want it. Anyhoo, I digress... Emma is very into feeding people be it me, her daddy, Lucy, and even her bubba :)

On Sunday, we were planning on going to see John (brother-in-law) preech at the new church he formed, but poor Max was running a fever :( so we decided it would be best to just stay home and not infect any of the other kiddos. After their nap, we hit the road for the bustling town for Forestburg! Wha? You've never heard of Forestburg?! Yeah, me neither. It's a very small country town north west of us (you know it's gotta be small and country if the girl from Wimberley is saying that!), about and hour away. We were joining Jason's dad and step-mom's family for Easter fun. Luckily it did not rain up there and the kids were able to play around outside, have Easter egg hunt numero dos, and even enjoy a hayride!

All in all, it was a very fun Easter! I cannot wait for more fun holidays with these crazy kids :)

On a completely seperate note... Memi is having twins!!!!! And guess what?! It's a boy and a girl!!!! What are the odds of that?! They are due in August! So excited for my bff!